4 simple tricks to get featured snippets through Search Engine Optimisation

Featured Snippets are the results we find at the top of the search engine and are characterised by the fact that they give a short and very concise answer to a search that a user has made, grabbing all the attention (and of course the traffic) that a search generates on the web.
Fortunately, there are search engine optimization methods that can better rank your content in the SERPs. So, here we will show you 4 easy tricks to get your web content to appear in a featured snippet.
1. Take a good look at the size of the answers
If the optimised answer is too long or too short, Google may ignore it. For this reason, featured snippet paragraphs have an ideal average of 45 words and list snippets have an average of 4 bullets and 11 words per bullet. Also, making lists with more than 8 bullets is a good way to motivate the user to click on your page, as this way, the “see more” tag will appear in the response box.
2. Check your already published contents
It is very useful to review previous articles and confirm that they meet the following parameters:
– The keywords are positioning between the first result and the tenth. These are the ones taken into account for the answer boxes.
– Check the optimisation of your publications according to the average sizes mentioned above.
– Don’t despair, if after a month you are not getting the featured snippets, revise your content following these tips.
3. Send signals to the SERPs
Google is constantly optimising and improving its ranking systems for answer boxes. To help it recognise that you have the best content, you can use subheadings with questions or topics that would be searched by users.
4. Answer the user
Using question terms in your content is an excellent idea for featured snippets in paragraph form. Considering the use of these examples could help you to position your website: how, which, which, why, where, what, when and all the interrogative adverbs you can imagine.
Finally, do not forget to elaborate all your contents under these conditions and have a good positioning strategy, as they are considered to be the best and simplest Search Engine Optimisation practices that optimise the quality of the publications on a blog.